Saturday, May 5, 2007

Farmer "Tax Season"

It has been eons since I have been able to sit in front of my computer and update my life. Sorry for all of you who diligently read the Sharon saga. The past two weeks I have arose with the sun and went to work at Trico from 6:30 till 8:30. I usually answer the never-ending telephone, file, and sweep the floors. It's amazing how much dirt the guys track in in a day. Then, since this week was the end of one month and the beginning of another month, I stayed longer on a few days to help out the bookkeeper. Rustin has generally been working from 6 till about 9-10 at night. Everyone wants fertilizer NOW. It makes for great togetherness, but atleast this will only last a month or two. I have been spending a great deal of time out at Trevor and Jody's helping them on a landscaping project. They put in a cement patio in their back yard, so we put retaining wall around it. I love it. When the project is finished I will update with pictures. I have been getting landscaping or maintenance jobs here and there, so I think I will spend most of my summer doing what I love best. When Rustin slows down, he hopes to help with some projects. Yesterday it finally rained. Everyone was glad for the reprieve. Since Rustin was home for the evening we actually got to celebrate his birthday. I made him my favorite meal, which is roast, potatoes, and carrots, which he likes too. Then we worked on putting together a futon bunkbed which we purchased to house more company. Today it is raining also, so he didn't have to work long. I think we are going to relax. Tonight we have testimonies so I am looking forward to those. This next week I am looking forward to the Hancock town-wide garage sales. I doubt they are as well traveled as Tremont's but this will be my first garage sale ever. I guess I have alot of cleaning, hiding, and tagging to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharon!

Hope that futon's for us!!! Cant wait to see ya next weekend!

Kim and Debbie