Monday, August 18, 2008

Where has August gone?

I think August has went by faster than July. Hardly seems possible! The first weekend in August we spent in the Cities for Dale and Meg's wedding. It was so nice to see many friends and family. My family and us stayed down there until Wed. sightseeing. We saw Minnehaha Falls, went to Como Zoo, and of course we went to the Mall of America.

Matt, Susan, and I at Minnehaha Falls.

The Four Ladies

Grace and I at the zoo.

We took Grace to an Old Fashioned Studio in the mall. She cooperated quite well as long as money was in her hands!

On Wed. we all came back to our house. They decided since they were so close and hadn't seen the remodeling, they would like to see it. I think they had fun watching Grace while Rustin and I worked. Dad got in on a truck unload. It is quite an operation. They left Sat. morning to head home. The next weekend was the Stevens County Fair. It is similar to the Turkey Festival and the 4-H fair combined. Rustin really enjoys the fair because he sees all sorts of people he hasn't seen in a while. I, on the other hand, could spend one night at the fair and be happy. (We compromised for a night and a day.) Rustin took Grace on the Merry-Go-Round and she loved it. That ride spins faster than I remember it spinning. I could hardly watch without getting dizzy.
This past weekend we watched Luke and Tiffany so Trevor, Jody, and Tory could go to the state fair. Rustin keeps saying that someday we'll go. I've heard it's one of the top three in the nation.

Grace received this hat and sunglasses from one of our friends. The glasses wrap around her head so it's much harder for her to get them off.

This is our experimental garden. On the left is carrots and on the right is kolarabi. We had to tear out the radishes because they were too leggy and there wasn't enough room for all three. They are producing quite well.
The latest is that Grace has a tooth. This explains some of her unexpainable crabbiness the past week. Labor Day weekend we are going camping near Duluth. I am ready for another get-a-way!


Mary said...

Sharon! I LOVE the old-time picture of Grace! She'd be just as adorable in the 1800s as she is today! :) Glad her tooth finally broke's hard to believe she's getting so big! And Max says he's jealous of those cool wrap-around sunglasses...even if they are pink!

Anonymous said...

Always enjoy your pics and update. Look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Aunt Karen