Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday

Rustin and I had one of our first compromising situations this week. I prefer longer hair and he prefers buzzed hair, so we compromised that in the Summer he will have short hair, and in the Winter he will have long hair. So, for those of you who saw him last weekend, he looks totally different. Unfortunately for him, it turned cold after we cut it. He has received many comments on his nice haircut!
This last Wednesday evening was Morris' Easter Program. Each child up through 7th grade recited part of a poem or scripture which centered aroung Easter. Having grown up singing a song with my class, I was impressed that none of the kids got gun shy. They all did a good job. Throughout the evening the Bible Class and 8th grade sang Easter songs. At the end each of the children who performed and in those the audience received a bag of peanut butter M&M's.
On Thursday I awoke with Rustin at 6:45 which is very unusual. His mom and I went to Alexandria, more commonly pronounced Alec, to go shopping. I went along mainly for the social outing and for the monthly trip to WalMart. Nobody except his mom, Jody, and I appreciate Chinese cuisine so we enjoyed a delicious lunch at The China Buffet. We checked out the used book store in town and found a few bargains. Then we went to Ron's Warehouse, which is a store that you never know what treasures you are going to find. I decided I am going to have to go back when I have more time to browse. That evening Rustin had to help a friend move, so I stayed home and cleaned out our guest bedroom. Our second guest arrives next week.
Today hasn't been overly stressful. It's cold outside still, so it's better to stay inside. I have been filing papers for Rustin's dad and did the dishes. You'd be surprised at how many dishes two people can go through in a couple days time! Today I have also stopped and pondered at what our Savior went through on this day for us. It's unfathomable. Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Carrie Ito said...

Hi Sharon,

Sounds like a good compromise! We also have such discussions, but ours is opposite--I like it shorter--that way I don't have to cut it so often!

So you go to Alec?! We usually go to Alexandria for fishing vacations--may have even been to Ron's! For sure, though, we went to Wal-Mart!