I got a call at work from Grace's Daycare saying she had a bite mark from another kid. I laughed thinking it would just look like a tooth mark on her cheek. Come to find out Grace was dragging some kid down on her and got chomped in the process. We don't know if it's accidental or on purpose. Either way I still think it's hilarious that Grace has met her match. She started at this place when school started, and the two year olds are having territory issues. After this incident they are more or less avoiding each other. Grace likes it when the preschoolers are there so she can play with the big kids. There is also a baby girl whom she dotes on. The girl's mom told me that Grace is gentle with her which shocks me. The last time Grace was around babies she was treating them like she treats her dolls. There's a reason for the term ragdoll.
I was a little nervous with going to an actual daycare, but this one was run by my friend's friend. The lady built her basement as the daycare, so there is a huge 'playground' in it. Grace is always talking about the slides and going to Julie's house. I am thankful that she loves it so much, and seems to get along with most of the kids quite well.
I have to tell another Grace story that I thought was cute. One of our neighbors are Frank and Gertie. A few weeks ago Grace started calling Frank, Hank. I guess the Fr sound is too difficult. Anyways, every time we are outside she is wondering where Hank is. She gets really excited when she sees he's out. The other morning we were getting in the car to go somewhere and she said, "Hank, Mom?" I told her I didn't know, he was probably sleeping. She replied, "No, Mom... Eat." I busted out laughing because she must have thought it was too late in the day to be sleeping. She's heard me say that Frank is either eating or sleeping a little too often!
Hope you have a great week! It's sunny and fall-like here!
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