Sometimes I feel like a broken record when I post. Still busy at Meadowland, Grace is eating better and still can't crawl, etc. We had a short but sweet visit to Tremont a few weeks ago. We visited the grandparents and just took it easy most of the weekend. Eric and ReKeeta came up for the 4th. Hancock has our big celebration which starts off with the firemen serving breakfast. The parade starts at 1:30. Afternoon activities include Bingo and a tractor pull. And then of course there's fireworks that start at 10. We went to the breakfast and then I went home to clean while Rustin stayed and help serve pancakes. This year we decided to have a float in the parade. Jody and some of her sisters made two 'can' costumes which then her nieces wore, and we also decorated a float. When we bought the store we acquired 3 boxes of princess crowns, so we crowned little girls on the sidelines and also threw out candy. Jody and I handed out our magnets and pens. Gotta use free advertisement when you can! After the parade we were open for a crazy two hours. We didn't know how it would go, but we decided it was worth it. Supper was held at Grandma Schmidgall's with most of the family there. Afterwards Rustin and I were tired so we went home with the intentions of going to bed early. He got a fire call around 8:00. Luckily it was only a grass fire, and they were able to contain it pretty easily. We still got to bed relatively early and had the fireworks put us to sleep. On Saturday we headed to South Dakota to buy fireworks half off. We stopped in Ortonville on the way home and played on the playground that Rustin and ReKeeta played on in fourth grade. They lived there until that age and then moved back to Morris. It is neat to see where Rustin grew up.
Grace's first slide ride

Grandma and her grandkids

What a cutie!!!

Grace and Abbi playing so well together.
Nice video! I like the smile at the end!
Oh Sharon, don't feel like a broken record. For those of us who never see you it is interesting to hear about the (so called) mundane/boring details of your life!
Love, Steph
Believe it or not, the MAHS class of 1999 10-year reunion is next year already! In order to track people down good and early, and get some help and feedback in planning, I've created a Facebook group for the reunion. It is located here:
Please pass this along to Rustin. If he already has a Facebook profile, please join the group. If not, please create one to join - Facebook is free, doesn't sell your information, and won't spam you.
Please pass this on to other classmates with whom you are still in touch. Thanks!
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