After two months of remodeling, our project is almost done. I am so excited! We lengthened and widened the bathroom and knocked out the wall between the office and the living room. It seems as though there is more room. I have never been through this (that I clearly remember) - where you live in your remodel job with nowhere to put things so you have to cover everything and not use most of it. It has been somewhat stressful but it's looking up. I've decided if we ever buy another house that needs remodeled, we will hopefully remodel before we move in. I don't have new px yet, so you will have to wait for a later blog. I do however, have px of Grace. She is fastly growing. At her two month appointment which was 2.5 weeks ago she weighed 11#12oz. and was 23 3/4 in. long. That puts her in the 75 % for weight and 90 % for height. She is starting to sleep through the night until anywhere from 6-9 almost all the time. I am excited for that. Now that I have written it she will probably revert back to her once a night wake-up, but that is just babies. She is a real smiley baby. It really warms my heart when she smiles at me or whoever. She seems more human now! She went through a fussy bout with her formula, but thankfully she seems to have grown out of that and now just eats all the time! Here are some px of her around Christmas time.

Grace and her TWIN 2nd cousin Darcy Wiegand

Grace's first swim with her Daddy. Her swim diaper was
so big that she had to wear a regular one underneath it.

I'll have to keep updating px of Grace, or many of you won't recognize her when you see her!
I forgot to tell everyone that today is my birthday and for my birthday I got to go to the dentist and find out I have a cavity. Such is life!
I forgot to tell everyone that today is my birthday and for my birthday I got to go to the dentist and find out that I have a cavity. Such is life!
I LOVE the picture of Grace wrapped in a towel - super-cute!
luv you guys, Michelle
Great pics. I never noticed her dimple in her chin before, what a cutie!!
Carol :)
Good pictures. I was wanting to see some new pictures of Grace!!
PS. Sorry about the cavity on your birthday.
Good pics. Keep them coming! Love. Aunt Karen
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