Tuesday, October 23, 2007

37 Weeks

I can't believe how fast time can go sometimes. Three weeks left till a new journey. Somewhat scary, very exciting. I don't always look at my past blog entries, so please forgive me if I repeat myself. We can just blame it on being pregnant. Last Thursday Rustin and I went to St. Cloud and purchased a computer. Neither of us know a whole lot about computers so we talked to our dads and got some good advice. When we got it home and tried booting it up, we had all sorts of problems with it not starting, starting and then freezing up, and numerous pop-ups of how some stuff was installed wrong. Thankfully the Geek Squad had installed everything so we knew it wasn't our fault. We took some pictures of some of the pop-ups and headed back to St. Cloud on Saturday. (There is some benefit to a week of rain in the fall.) The hour and a half trip there was a little tense, not knowing what type of service we would encounter. The Geek looked at our computer and said it didn't look like anything was wrong at the moment, but since we had pictures of proof of nasty pop-ups and since we had just purchased it a few days ago, we could swap computers. Without any hesitation I said "YES." I didn't think we needed a 'lemon' sitting around the house, and Rustin hated calling the HP hotline and talking with hard-to-understand help, so we waited while they installed the new computer with anti-virus/spyware software and we headed home. Thankfully when we arrived home and hooked everything up, it worked. This brightened our weekend. I know computers tend to have minds of their own so I'm sure things won't always be peachy, but I am going to enjoy it until that point. Everyone has their opinion of Best Buy and the Geek Squad, but Rustin and I decided that they were very helpful to us, and we were glad to talk to actual humans face-to-face.

This week, thus far, has been sunny, so today marks the beginning of my temporary widowhood. Rustin is now applying anhydrous to area fields, so I will see little of him for a couple of months. Hopefully when I go into labor, I'll be able to reach him. At this time last year, we were engaged and I spent many nights up till 11 or 12 talking to him while he was finishing up a field. I think it will be different this year with me actually living up here. Ask me in a few weeks if I'm cut out to be an Ag wife.

One of my dear cousins reqested a picture of how I look pregnant. So after reading this section, you might want to exit out before you are forever scarred. Rustin delighted in taking many pictures, much to my dismay, so most of them have been deleted. Here are a couple.


Anonymous said...


You look so cute! Three weeks to go! Whoohooo! I'm sure you are ready...we are at week 14 and I am ready for week 40 already! Can't wait until we can get up to meet the new little Schmidgall! Hope everything goes well for you!


Greg & Mary

Anonymous said...


You look so cute! Three weeks to go! Whoohooo! I'm sure you are ready...we are at week 14 and I am ready for week 40 already! Can't wait until we can get up to meet the new little Schmidgall! Hope everything goes well for you!


Greg & Mary

Anonymous said...


Cute baby bump! Thanks for the photo! Enjoy these last few days when you only have yourself to feed and clothe, because soon your little one will be unattached from the umbilical cord and requiring lots more attention! We are excited to meet the new little one too and will be praying for a safe arrival. Love, The 3 Baers

Anonymous said...

Dear Sharon,
I can't believe that is all you. I guess it isn't is it? We look forward to hearing from your folks when the baby arrives. Hope the labor is easy and yes it is all worth it. They are sooooo sweet. Love, Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

I rarely read your blog, but tonight we are at U Howard's and A Janices at the Thanksgiving meal. They were talking about your pics, and I asked Howard to see them - pretty neat (awesome?). Anyway - to be frank, I'll be more excited to see what's "under the covers" in three weeks!!!! Much Love,
U Dean