Our little peanut turned 2 on Saturday. If you ask her how old she is, she proudly holds up either 1 finger or all five and says "TWO". We celebrated her birthday with Tiffany last weekend, so on her actual day we went shopping in St. Cloud. One of our neighbors made her two of the cookies she's holding. I have to admit they were scrumptious. She is becoming more talkative as the days go by. Her new phrase is "I funny." Although, usually she is doing something she knows she shouldn't be doing. I get my stern face on and die laughing inside. It is interesting in how different boys and girls are. Before going to daycare, Grace didn't have a clue what guns were. Now anything she can get her hands on is a gun. Of course she only shoots 'aminals.' I just have to laugh and hope she is a little more girly than I was.
Two weeks from now I hope to be in Illinois for a week. I am so excited!!!