Monday, April 20, 2009
Grand Opening #2
We just love the upgraded building. There is twice the room in the store area. The middle bay is enough to hold all the food and our working table. The back room has three bays for non-food storage. Its amazing how much better a building is with more lights, windows, and fresh paint!
It's nice to be back on my normal work schedule. The week prior to opening was alot of hard work and not alot of Grace time. She and I are looking forward to travelling to Illinois this Thursday for Bob and Jenny's wedding. Rustin will fly in on Friday night. We are excited for the extended visit and I hope the Tremont townwide Garage Sales! (unless they changed the weekend)
Whoda Thunk It?
We found out we officially have the oldest furnace in Stevens County!!! During the month of March, a company called Rapid Response held a contest in which contestants had to send in the make, model, serial number of their furnace, and whoever's was the oldest received a brand new furnace. We thought we might have a fighting chance since we couldn't find the serial number and the company was nowhere to be found on the web. We called up the previous owner's daughter and she thought the original coal-burner was installed in the early 1950's by her grandparents. (It has since been converted to natural gas.)
Tomorrow a rep from the company is coming to our house for interviews, pictures, and possible (I hope not) radio time. I have never truly appreciated an old house until now. There are sometimes advantages. Mostly we are thankful to God for His timely intercessions. I'll keep you updated.
Monday, April 6, 2009
75% Mad Dash
Last week we had our moving sale bargains at Meadowland Market. It was the best and busiest 3 days we've had in a long time, except for the fact that everything was 50 or 75 % off. In the three days we even gained new customers. Thursday and Friday were busy days at 50% off. But Saturday topped them all with everything 75% off. I stood at the till all morning long while the lines stretched back to the storage door. People just hauled out junk after junk. It was great entertainment. The best was the order at the end of the day. (Good thing I wasn't in a hurry and in a good mood.) A lady and her friend pull up to the till as the last customers at about 12:10. It took me a good 10 minutes to do their orders. Once I was done with his she was already back finding more stuff. I rang up her extras and he was back finding more. I got those done and he decided he was finished and went out to the car. She happened to find the Texas Hold 'Em electronic games we've had for awhile. She'd put five on the counter, think about it, and put five more. After 20 minutes of debating she finally bought all 30 games we had. At a buck you can't go wrong for Christmas presents! We were trying not to laugh, but didn't succeed very well. I was able to finally shut the doors at 12:45.
This is the last you'll hear from me for a week because we are busy stocking the new store for the GRAND OPENING on Friday and Saturday!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
At one point (about 9:00) Grace was getting a little crabby, so Kylie thought she would help her out by handing her cheerios. Pretty soon Grace was like a princess and Kylie her servant except Kylie just kept handing the wrong thing. We all were dying laughing. I love Kylie's laugh when Grace would squawk. It's good that Grace gets a little taste of her own medicine.
Today marks the day where everything in our old store is 50% off to try and rid of it before the move. After we close on Saturday everything is being removed and taken to the new store. (Hopefully it won't be much.) We are closed next week until Friday. And then... The Grand Re-opening!!! We are all very excited and ready to be in the new store. ( I think we are ready for some regular sleeping patterns too!)
The new word of the week is 'PLEASE'. Grace wanted something and out came a 'pea'. I was shocked because she has never said it before. We'll see if we can keep it up!