Thursday, December 13, 2007
We are remodeling our house. It started out as just the bathroom but has extended to the office and living room. So now probably wouldn't be the best time to visit Minnesota! I will have pictures at a later date. Since our computer is in the office and is not able to be used, I probably won't update as often over the next few weeks. Right now I am using Trico's computer.
Hope to see alot of you at Christmas!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Time Marches On
Monday, November 12, 2007
Grace Anna Schmidgall
Monday, November 5, 2007
39 down, 1 to go
Rustin is still very busy with anhydrous. There is a shortage of it this fall, so he thinks by the end of the week he will be close to finished with applying. I am excited. I'm not used to these late hours. Thankfully it only lasts a few weeks out of the spring and a few weeks out of the fall. I generally ride with him at some point every day. I've found out that the plowed corn fields are the bumpiest, so I try to go when he is on a bean field or a ripped corn field. His tractor has a GPS system on it, so all he has to do is press a button and the tractor goes straight. This feature allows him to concentrate more on the applicator behind him and his books on tape.
This past weekend we had 5 people give their testimonies and were baptized. There were 2 couples who are Rustin's cousins and one of his (our) single friends. It was encouraging to hear of the sincerity of changed lives. It's always a blessing to hear of how God works in sinners lives. Gary Hertzel from Sabetha and Wayne Grimm from West Bend were visiting elders. For those of you who don't remember, Wayne preached at our wedding service, so it is always special when he comes to Morris and we can visit. It reminds me of the good times I experienced while interning for his son and daughter-in-law in West Bend.
Well, the weathermen say it is supposed to snow today, and while I was at the doctor's they said it was flurrying. Judging by how windy it is out, it is a good thing it's not already on the ground or we'd be having a nice blizzard.
This week is pretty open. I am going to watch my niece and nephews some, but doc says to take it easy, so I think I'll just take his advice!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
37 Weeks
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
It's still raining
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Philistine Army
The title of my entry is what stuck out in the sermon yesterday. I don't remember where we were reading, but the theme of the morning was - allowing God to remove the Philistine Army(s) from our lives. It is easy to get bogged down with weights or fears or whatever else Satan can bog us down with. But, if we put our trust in God and give Him our whole heart, He will help us to destroy "the Philistines."
Other Sunday highlights were that my old roomate, Mindy Wulf, was engaged to Jonathan Joos. He was an usher at our wedding. We feel they will be good for each other and are excited to have another young couple in Morris. In the evening we went to Rustin's parents with some other families for a fish fry. It was some good fish! Hopefully this week will be a little sunnier so the fall weather can be better enjoyed.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Big and Bloated
I also started another job last week. It is couple days a week over noon time. Doug Nohl started a business called Wurst Machers which translates to Sausage Makers. We travel to area companies and grill (on a huge grill like Famous Daves' uses) pork burgers and sell them. He has a man named Benji who kind of runs the show. Everything we do is in a trailer pulled behind a pick-up. A lady named Jeannette and I mainly do the bag packaging and meat packaging when it comes off the grill and distribute food when people come to our window. This is the second week of business and we have high hopes for the future.
Today I started pressure washing the trucks from last week. It was a disgusting job that I think would have been easier to do on Friday. Then in the afternoon I went shopping in Alexandria. I have decided to start Christmas shopping while I am feeling up to it.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Babies R Us
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Bat Fiasco
I really thought I was going to have to move before I was even in this house for one year. In an 8 day period we had 6 bats. Mostly they would come out at 3 or 4 in the morning. We were thankful for the tennis racket (and for Rustin). I think by the end he was sick of killing them. We found a company called Exclusive Bat Proofing on the Internet and called them up. We were put on a 2 week waiting list but given high hopes. Let me tell you, it was a long two weeks. They came the day we left for IL and did their job. As you can see, first there is proof of bats in our house. They put a 25 year sealant on all the cracks around our house, mainly on the roof. They also put up wire mesh doors, so the the bats already in the house could get out, but no new ones could get in. Thus far it has been a sucsessfull investment. I still cringe when I open the basement door, but I suppose in time, I will get over this. Unfortunately if you have bats and live outside of the state of MN you will have to find someone else to service your problem, as they only cater to Minnesotans.
Life otherwise has been hectic. Rustin is now hauling silage for the Dairy and does this when they need him from 4pm to 2am. I rode with him till midnight and decided I needed some sleep. I have been doing much canning and freezing in the past weeks. Since it has rained and temps are falling I have been helping my boss with his side job of seeding lawns in the afternoons and evenings. This explains the lack of updates. It's too bad that computers haven't advanced to where you think a thought and it types. Well maybe they have, but it hasn't reached MN yet.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Detroit Lakes

Friday, July 27, 2007
Wisconsin Dells

We played more mini-golf that afternoon. On Monday Rustin, Bob, Susan, and Matt went to Mt. Olympus to enjoy water and themepark rides. Dad, Mom, and I decided we wouldn't get our money's worth, so we opted out. Mom and I went shopping instead and found some bargains. That evening we packed up to leave the next morning, bright and early. On the way home, Rustin and I stopped in Rochester to visit his uncle who had open heart surgery. He wasn't in Mayo clinic, but the nearby St. Mary's Hospital. After a short work week, it's hard to believe the weekend is already here. We are going with Rustin's family up to a cabin on Detroit Lakes for an extended weekend. It's too bad we can't vacation all summer!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Itasca State Park

First of all, here is our baby waving hi to you! July 4th seems like a while ago. Rustin was up at the firehall for a pancake and sausage breakfast at 6:00. I went up to eat with him at 8:30. Then we went back at noon for lunch and at 12:30 we set up barricades for the parade. Rustin drove a big 4 wheel drive tractor with an applicator and anhydrous tank pulling behind. I pulled the classic "Hancock drum" with the city pick-up. My father-in-law says that it was in the parade when he was a kid. It was fun, but I hardly knew anyone on the sidelines. Vern, my boss, rode with me, and his grandsons threw candy from the back. We went to Rustin's aunt and uncles for supper and then went to the Community sing. (we watched) In the evening Rustin helped light the fire works. It was a nice 80 some degrees but this is what he looked like.

Sunday, July 1, 2007
July 1, 2007
Last weekend Greg and Mary came up to visit. We spent the day in Alexandria shopping and mini-golfing. In the evening we had friends and relatives over for a weiner roast. We invited our friends Greg and Sheila Reuter, but they had their little baby boy on Friday night. So instead we went and visited them at the hospital. His name is Emerson Jerry Reuter. Last night we took them supper and mother and baby are doing pretty well. They say you don't know what lack of sleep is until you have kids. Sheila can attest to this. We are excited that our kids will be close to the same age and hopefully will atleast get along.
Hope you have a great 4th!!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
At work I have been very busy sprucing up Hancock for the 4th of July. I mow, clean storm drains, trim trees, paint fire hydrants, and most recently paint curbs. This latest task will take me awhile to get them all done. I'm glad Hancock isn't any bigger. I have a boss but mainly work by myself. I enj0y this. I can pretty well come and go as I choose. I am only supposed to work 20 hours, but lately it has been more like 30. Things will slow down after the 4th.
In the evenings, Rustin and I have been tackling some small landscaping projects. It makes for a long day, but so far we have enjoyed working together and slowly we are getting our name out.
It seems like our social life goes in cycles. Sometimes we have nothing going on for a few weekends. Lately we have been busy, busy, busy. It can be challenging deciding what fun activities to do. I'm not complaining, though. Tonight we are meeting some families at a park for a cookout. We are the only kidless couple, so it should be interesting being with a whole bunch of kids.
We are doing a garden with Trevor and Jody. So far everything is coming up pretty well. It has rained alot so this helps Jody out. It is at their house. I go over once a week to help weed. We put straw and grass clippings down, so this has helped immensely on the weed population. Hopefully we get a good crop to can and freeze.
I hope everyone has a Happy Father's Day tomorrow and may we remember our Heavenly Father and all He has done for us.
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Time Flies On
Last week Rustin and I were working on a retaining wall for our friends Mark and Lori. It was again on the outside of a cement pad to hold the gravel in. I was feeling pretty proud of myself that the wall was fairly level until I got to the end and the block was 2.5 inches above the concrete. Then my intelligent husband made the comment that the driveway sloped 2.5 inches. The little things I don't take into consideration! So, we went back about 12 feet and gradually sloped the wall so that it butted up to the driveway. Someday I'll learn my lesson and not jump into a project without looking at all angles.
This week I have been working on a lady's landscape in Hancock. It was a pile of weeds and perennials that she didn't want anymore. She told me to clean it up and put in something she won't have to touch. The only thing I can think of is decorative rock, but I don't think that is what she had in mind. I put in a couple of bushes and brick edge, and today I will finish up by putting in the rock. Yesterday it was upper 80's and today it is 65 so there must be something going through.
I became an aunt again on Mother's Day. Eric and ReKeeta had a little girl in the afternoon. They named her Abigail Lisa Leman. I haven't seen a picture of her yet so I can't share what she looks like. I'm sure she is cute though. I am excited because I will get to see her while I am in Illinois. The rest of the week looks like cleaning the house and finishing up a few ID and trimming jobs. I plan to leave on Friday when Rustin goes to work. So hopefully I will see many of you soon!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Farmer "Tax Season"
Monday, April 16, 2007
Spring is here, I think!
On Sunday we had butterbraid and eggs for breakfast and then headed off to church. Mom and
Dad enjoyed visiting their old friends and people they thought they knew; they just had to ask them their name. Rustin's parents are visiting ReKeeta and Eric so we checked the trap and fed/watered the cats. He has been noticing that much cat food has been missing, so this explains the trap. He suspected a racoon. Friday he caught a skunk, so we were hoping this was the end of it. Of course not! A huge racoon was caught in the live trap. It definitely filled the trap. We suspected it was well fed with cat food. Rustin shot it twice in the head, but it wouldn't die. We decided to leave it and come back later when it was for sure dead. It all grosses me out, so I just watched from inside the house. (When we came back later, rhigamortis (sp) had set in. Now we just have to dispose of it and clean the trap. After this excitement we went to Dave and Nancy Wulf's for a snack and visit. After much laughter and talking, we went home so Mom and Dad could get on the road. In the evening we were invited to U. Gary and A. Velma Domnick's. I was excited to learn that they were serving fish. I don't get it very often and it was some good Northern as usual.
Today has been spent doing much laundry. The awesome part is that I have my windows open and a short sleeve shirt on. I never thought I'd see the day of short sleeves. Spring has sprung!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Our Second Guest
Friday, April 6, 2007
Good Friday
This last Wednesday evening was Morris' Easter Program. Each child up through 7th grade recited part of a poem or scripture which centered aroung Easter. Having grown up singing a song with my class, I was impressed that none of the kids got gun shy. They all did a good job. Throughout the evening the Bible Class and 8th grade sang Easter songs. At the end each of the children who performed and in those the audience received a bag of peanut butter M&M's.
On Thursday I awoke with Rustin at 6:45 which is very unusual. His mom and I went to Alexandria, more commonly pronounced Alec, to go shopping. I went along mainly for the social outing and for the monthly trip to WalMart. Nobody except his mom, Jody, and I appreciate Chinese cuisine so we enjoyed a delicious lunch at The China Buffet. We checked out the used book store in town and found a few bargains. Then we went to Ron's Warehouse, which is a store that you never know what treasures you are going to find. I decided I am going to have to go back when I have more time to browse. That evening Rustin had to help a friend move, so I stayed home and cleaned out our guest bedroom. Our second guest arrives next week.
Today hasn't been overly stressful. It's cold outside still, so it's better to stay inside. I have been filing papers for Rustin's dad and did the dishes. You'd be surprised at how many dishes two people can go through in a couple days time! Today I have also stopped and pondered at what our Savior went through on this day for us. It's unfathomable. Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
The return to Minnesota

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Causeway on Gull
Last week, Rustin and I made two trips to Iowa. They bought this semi truck and trailer that needed a wet tank mounted on the trailer. On Tuesday we drove the truck down and the company gave us a car to come back home. That was a long day. We could've stayed down there, but Rustin has been very busy at work sandblasting and painting The Wulf Farm's gates. They have a big sale coming up at the end of the month. So, on Thursday after work, we headed back down to Iowa and stayed in a motel. Early Friday morning we picked up the semi and headed up north, back to work. I made a lot of progress on my thank-yous. It seems like there is always something more enjoyable to do, but I just want to get them done so I can move on to other projects. Rustin and I kind of agreed that no decorating can be done until the thank-yous are done. I think I only have a couple of days left! I went to a couple's house last week and got some creative ideas for decorating our house. It's amazing what a little paint can do. Last week we also bought a piano for the right price. All I have to do is strip and varnish it and it will be ready for our house. For all those interested, I am still looking for a job. Sometimes it's nice to set my own schedule, but other times it would be nice to be contributing the household income. This afternoon my niece Tiffany is coming over, so her mom can go help out at school. I'm sure there won't be a dull moment!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
The Housewife

Thursday, March 1, 2007
Life in Minnesota
After almost 2 months of being married, I am finally starting my blog. The past 2 months have been spent: putting wedding gifts away
getting rid of Rustin's 'treasures' (don't worry, I haven't been too mean!
finding places for all of my junk
I am beginning to feel like a real housewife. Every day he comes home for lunch, or if you're in MN - dinner, so I get to cook 2 meals a day. Lots of times he gets leftovers for lunch, but he doesn't mind. The last two weeks we have been housesitting/babysitting a family from church. After watching 2 high-schoolers and 1 grade-schooler, we have decided that we are glad we are kidless so far. They are way busier than we are used to. As of today we have 18 inches of snow and it looks like we could get around a foot more. I'm glad to be indoors most of the time. At least when it is snowing (in March) the temp. stays around freezing. I never really understood what -30 meant until I experienced it. We haven't even been too house-bound. We just put on 4 wheel drive and plow through. Since the house is finally starting to look in order, I am starting to put out resumes and maybe get a job. I am looking for a flexible job that I can do some landscaping on the side in the summer. Rustin tells me good luck, but we'll see. Since I do such a horrible job of emailing, this will be the best way to keep up with my life. unless you call me!
Take Care!